Regenerative Therapies: January 2014

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Hormone Replacement Therapy maintains the required levels of Testosterone

Aging is not just confined to women; men are equally concerned for it. A growing share of American men are seeking experts’ consultation for various causes of the aging gradually. Many of the American men wanted to reverse the biological process and combat the sign of aging before it is too late to fight against. It is reported that that an estimated 12.5% of women aged between 25-44 have sought kind of medical help to get pregnant. In male cases, the hormone levels of testosterone should always be maintained at the required levels and it can be done with the help of licensed physician. Testosterone is the most potential chemical that has a straight role in effective intercourse between and women. In men, the amount of testosterone is controlled in the brain by the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland. The absence of proper levels of testosterone in the male body spirals into the aging process at an increasing rate.

The powerful molecule signals cells in the body to perform the regular functions. But testosterone plays many other roles, some of its effects include – changes in body muscle mass and strength, changes in fat distribution, decreased energy levels, mood swings and the list of symptoms doesn’t end here. It is very biological that men nearing the age of 30 testosterone levels decline. Here, the Hormone Replacement Therapy comes into the picture. Due to the rapid medical advancements in science even the testosterone deficiency can be supplemented. A male patient may get his diagnosis done and maintain the required levels of testosterone with the help of physician. To begin with, the patient has to get the blood test done to determine the causes of symptoms. The recommended range of testosterone is 348-1197 mg/dl. However, myriad of cases are reported where men at the age of 30 reach the diminishing levels averaging 450mg/dl. At MetroMD, medical doctors deal with the cases where patients request to boost their testosterone levels to attain the host of benefits like aging, fertility and to revitalize. The therapy is administered with the dosage of 200mg of testosterone to the patient bi-weekly and helps turn back the biological clock. Also known as the Testosterone replacement therapy, is very beneficial to combat aging in men. 
The institute of regenerative medicine is headquartered in Los Angeles that treats the myriad of patients with FDA approved breakthrough technology. You can watch the videos of Medical Director discussing how Human Growth Hormone affects fertility and also subscribe to the podcasts hosted by the medical directors.

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Lead a Healthier Lifestyle with Effective Weight Loss Program

Amid of fast-paced life and odd eating habits, losing weight has become one of the daunting tasks for Americans. However, to maintain a healthier lifestyle we popup diet pills, strictly follow diet regimen and set a deadline to shed the unwanted flab. Over a period of a decade, medical researchers have come up with the breakthrough technology for weight loss with excellent results in few weeks’ time. Of late, the vital hormone Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) has been the most talked topic among medical researchers. Typically, HCG is used for women who are trying to conceive and also this hormone contributes to lose weight.

HCG is administered with once-a-day injection for a program spread out in six weeks. It is always advisable by weight loss experts that injections work best if accompanied by a stringent diet that contains minimum of about 900-1000 cal/day. Most of the Regenerative Medicines experts suggest the calorie intake must be ranging from 500-600 and low caloric diet can deprive the body of essential nutrients. The weight-loss regimen does the job well if the application of HCG is administered with proper diet. Of late, at the renowned MetroMD institute of Regenerative medicine, a research has been carried out by the panel of medical researchers and doctors found out that the vital component HCG is also responsible for increasing testosterone. An increase in testosterone can lead to additional body weight loss and considered a wonderful hormone for men and women for host of benefits and above all, helps to have a healthier body. 
Regenerative Medicines
Regenerative Medicines

If you have been looking for Weight Loss clinic Los Angeles call us at (323) 285-5300 for appointment to obtain a healthier body with no discomfort and amazing results. For more information on the therapies watch the videos by Medical Director, Alex Martin discussing the ailments and their treatments with innovative technology that causes no pain and promises excellent results with less down time. You can also subscribe to podcasts hosted by medical doctors themselves and also, registered users can get the updated newsletter.

Tuesday, 21 January 2014


Conventional Cosmetic surgical methods have taken a back seat ever since the technology has leapfrogged in medicine branch. Over the last decade, several breakthroughs took place as a result of extensive researches by clinical researchers and doctors; stem cell treatment is one of them. The therapy holds the promise of treating aging with multitude of applications without any pain and serves as a best alternative to traditional surgical procedures. Regenerative medicine is a revolutionary approach to treat multitude of human diseases and serves as a best alternative to conventional surgical techniques.  

Regenerative medicine
Regenerative medicine
Aging seems to be a complex process and we often fail to understand the exact causes of it. Aging happens due to the body being attacked by inflammation and causing an imbalance between the production of reactive oxygen and a biological system, and consequently leading to oxidative stress. Wrinkles, smile lines, crow’s feet and other apparent signs of aging keep haunting us and make us look for the ways that can make our body youthful and radiant again. It is here that Stem cell treatment comes in to the picture. With the passage of time human body starts deteriorating. From the phase of adolescence to the age of puberty human body goes through hormonal changes, and gradually body experiences the signs of aging. We observe knees are not working to its full functionality and the texture of the skin starts fading. MetroMD is a prominent institute of regenerative medicine in Los Angeles and offers the FDA approved treatment.  Patients who had been looking for licensed clinic for treating wrinkles, pigmentation and aiming to have a radiant skin can join Stem Cell Program in Los Angeles. Over the period of a time, many cells die and other age. Stem cell option gives the medical branch the competence to restore the beauty of the skin by working on aging tissues.  

How aging is reversed using Stem Cells?
The therapy is performed by harvesting those stem cells from the abdominal fat or blood and migrating those cells to the affected areas of the body that needs to be rejuvenated. This sounds not less than a miracle that your own cells can be placed back to facilitate regeneration of new cells and tissues that promise to reverse the signs of aging. The therapy lately, is catching the fancy of many of the patients who look-in for the breakthrough technology that holds the promise to treat aging with less down time and quick results. The most trusted institute for HGH therapy has many licensed Dermatologist, Los Angeles. With proper medical care and the carefully done application of the stem cells the body has the caliber to regenerate the aging-inflicted areas with excellent results in short span of the time.