Regenerative Therapies: Shed the extra flab with guaranteed results in few weeks

Friday, 13 December 2013

Shed the extra flab with guaranteed results in few weeks

With the New Year approaching near, many of us have already started pondering over goals and resolutions for the year ahead. To many of us, New Year is the right time for establishing goals and aspirations, setting resolutions. Some of us want a good monetary hike, promotion on a hierarchy level, while others want to design a health regimen to stay healthy all through the year. An improved and healthy lifestyle always goes a long way to pursue our goals. Many individuals want to do away with obesity and opt for a healthier lifestyle. Bringing a change in lifestyle may include shedding extra flab on body, changing eating habits, hitting gym, and so forth.

All your health woes can come to an end with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). Now, how does it contribute to weight loss? Typically HCG is used for women to increase the fertility and for smooth pregnancy. Though, it is extensively used for weight loss now. Patients may visit a licensed weight loss clinic Los Angeles for safest and effective treatment. The weight loss treatment is equally effective for both males and females. MetroMD is one such renowned clinical institute that has introduced breakthrough technology treating several patients for multitude of ailments and disorders.

HCG is administered with once a day injection under a six-week dedicated program. Patients are recommended a stringent diet plan coupled with the therapy. You must ensure that you intake healthy platter including leafy green veggies, rich protein diet for better efficacy of the treatment. The calorie intake of 900-1000 cl/day is highly recommended by therapists. Patients can expect a faster weight loss in week’s time if a recommended balanced diet with regular treatment is administered. With backbreaking research for regenerative medicines at MetroMD, doctors have made possible the treatment with HGH, Human Growth Hormone that includes once a day injection used for multitude of treatments. HGH has been clinically proven to improve muscular strength, increase libido, quality of skin and hair and so forth.

PRP Therapy comes as a panacea to treat the knee injuries, tennis elbow, ankle injuries, and hip injuries. Gone are the days when patients used to bear the brunt of major painful surgeries, costly treatment with longer healing period. MetroMD is the most admired institute for Stem cell, HGH, PRP therapy across US and outside as well. You can visit the licensed PRP Therapy Seattle for alternative treatments with less downtime. All treatments at the institute are FDA approved and safe to undergo.     

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