Regenerative Therapies: April 2014

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Heal Nerve Injuries Naturally with Plasma Rich Platelet Therapy

Of late, there has been quite a buzz around platelet rich plasma for the treatment of knee injuries, hip injuries, and curing degenerative disc disease. Latest to leverage the benefit of the procedure is eminent American Basketball player, Derrick Rose. He had platelet rich plasma injections onto his sore knees. It has been readily seen that the PRP procedure is pretty simple wherein the orthopedist extracts patient’s self blood, which is spun and centrifuged to separate out and concentrate the platelets. The contained factors stimulate the growth of healthy tissues. The derived concentrated liquid is injected back into trouble areas to facilitate faster healing in damaged tissue.

PRP treatment has been expanded into nerve injuries, tendon repair, and most commonly for healing sports injuries. Patients in large count have been benefited by the therapy, of which majority are athletes. If you encounter tingling pain in knee joints or suffering from any nerve injuries, you need a good medical treatment. The best part of the PRP therapy is – it does not involve pain and discomfort as in the case of conventional surgical modes. MetroMD is one such Institute of Regenerative Medicine in Los Angeles that treats the patients with innovative technology and helps them have a balanced lifestyle. PRP has been the best pain management therapy for shoulder, elbow, hip, and knee pain.

The revolutionary cardiac stem cell therapy is given to promoting soft tissue and bone healing in the affected areas i.e., rotator cuff, tennis elbow, torn or stretched ligaments or tendons. The procedure is performed by highly experienced orthopedist, and your pain is managed in the most effective way.

With PRP booming, we are entering into an era of emerging field of regenerative medicine where your own stem cells hold the promise to alleviate the pain and cure chronic nerve injuries. The only downside of plasma rich platelet therapies’ cost is not yet covered by majority of the insurance companies. Should you have any question pertaining to PRP procedure, we encourage you to watch the videos by eminent Doctor, Alex Martin, Medical Director at MetroMD, Los Angeles.  

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Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Look Young, Feel Young with Radical Vampire Facelift Procedure

The Buzz about Vampire Facelift is grabbing attention now – not just because of its name but because of its excellent results. Myriad of patients drop by at MetroMD Institute with a ‘Natural Filler’ request and for effective anti-aging solutions.
The Vampire Facelift procedure is carried out for the patients who wish to appear than their chronological age. It is a non-invasive cosmetic surgery performed by much experienced plastic surgeons. The revolutionary therapy is the result of many years of ground breaking research by scientists. The non-cosmetic procedure is given for severe acne, scarring, wrinkles, and to deal with other skin imperfections. The Vampire Facelift uses PRP, a highly concentrated solution derived from the patients’ own blood – considered best for healing. The densely rich red material is formed and injected back into the problem skin of the face – to give younger and healthy skin. Besides, PRP shows great many benefits in face, neck lifting, and for extended neck lifting. The therapy is a successful gateway to appear young by 10-15 years or more – astonishing it may sound, but it is clinically proven. Yes, you can jump out of joy!!

Furthermore, patients can leverage the benefits of regenerative stem cell therapy for great many benefits. Below enlisted are the advantages of undergoing Vampire Facelift:

•    A next best alternative to painful injections given in other cosmetic surgeries
•    Use of OWN blood averts the allergy and infection risk
•    Relatively affordable than other facelift surgeries available in market
•    The procedure involves no pain and discomfort
•    The procedure is non-invasive, means no needles to scare you

The present day application of PRP is a groundbreaking way to prepare anti-aging injections to reduce the appearance of aging signs and help patients have a radiant skin. To consider yourself the right candidate for the procedure, it is imperative to seek the consultation and weigh the pros and cons of the same.
Want to know more about the Vampire Facelift procedure? Visit

Friday, 25 April 2014

Undergo Stem Cell Therapy for Knee Pain, Stiffness, and Arthritis

Knee pain is one of the common complaints of individuals. It is believed that people working in cold stores are more likely to report knee pain. However, there may be the variety of reasons associated with knee pain. Most commonly, it is caused by overstrain on knees, overuse of knees, or if somebody is diagnosed with arthritis. 

As the human body gets older, tissues, ligaments and bones tend to lose strength. Our body’s resistance power begins to recede, and knee joints weaken. Such a condition consequently makes it harder to bear the chronic pain, stiffness and swelling. A majority of patients resort to traditional surgical modes and go through another session of pain and discomfort. Thanks to medical advancements, that now we have the option to choose comfort over the painful treatment. Medical researchers come here as a boon with a revolutionary solution, namely, Stem Cell therapy for knees. The name may appear new to many and known to very few. 

The therapy, as the name implies, involves treating the injuries using one’s own blood or marrow. The procedure begins with extracting adult stem cells from patient’s body, such as accumulated fats and useful tissues, and mixing it with platelet rich plasma to make the platelet rich plasma injections. The derived concentrated solution is injected into patients’ troubled areas and pain is pacified. You are required to seek a consultation from an experienced physician to learn about the injection dosage and to know the likely time for recovery.

Unlike conventional surgical treatments, stem cell therapy for knee takes in minimal pain and discomfort, and relatively lesser time for rehabilitation. Furthermore, owing to the fact, it uses body’s own stem cells, risk of allergies and infection gets averted. Stem cell therapies are considered the safest and the best alternative to treating broken knee joints, knee injuries, and arthritis. If you are searching yourself the best treatment for knees, consider stem cell option now. To know more about Stem cell treatment please visit

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Supplement Hormone Deficiency with Testosterone Replacement Therapy

More than 18 million men over the age of 20 in US had reportedly suffered from erectile dysfunction (ED). In most cases, ED is caused by common causes as to – heart disease, high cholesterol, obesity, low testosterone, consumption of alcohol and drugs, and others. Besides, it is found that, depression, anxiety, high stress levels also contributes to causing the said condition. However, medical advancements extricate us from the danger situation and the condition can be brought under control.

As the natural process of aging begins our body witnesses sudden changes that we are not prepared for. Age is a mighty factor that declines the interest and physical vigor, decreases libido (sex drive), weaker bones, affected immune system and other hormonal deficiencies. However, preventing ED may not be the cause for anxiety, as men have the option to supplement the hormone deficiencies with measures available. With the help of Testosterone replacement therapy, sudden hormone changes can be reversed, and deficiency is supplemented. 

What is testosterone replacement therapy?
Maintained testosterone levels are necessary to maintain muscle bulk, bone density, and intercourse for reproductive function.  The therapy focuses on replacing hormones or supplementing the deficiency in the body through vastitude of treatments. Let’s gain an insight to - what are the common causes for low testosterone levels:-
    Heart disease
    High cholesterol
    Consumption of alcohol and drugs
    Injury/infection caused to testicles
    Any chronic ailment
    Anxiety/high stress levels
    Inflammatory diseases (in lungs)

Dealing with testosterone deficiency becomes easier with human growth hormone supplements available in the market today. Some of them include like – oral tablets, testosterone gels, Intramuscular injections. However, before considering the option as Intramuscular injections, it is recommended to see the consultation of the physician for effective treatment.


Monday, 21 April 2014

Manage Obesity and more with Human Growth Hormone

Higher energy levels, youthful skin, improved appetite – these are the benefits of Human Growth Hormone (HGH). Oftentimes, we tend to frustrate in an attempt to lose weight when results go futile. The chief reason attributes to slowing down of metabolism rate to aging, when efficiency to burn calories hamper. This is where human growth hormone weight loss comes as the viable option.

It is necessary to procure the prescribed HGH injections from a qualified physician. According to medical doctors, it is absolutely possible to raise the efficiency of metabolism in order to burn accumulated calories. It is the aging that slows down the process to deal with obesity, our body witnesses the fatigue and lack of energy keeps us dull and feel lethargic most of the times. However, human body can be supplemented with HGH injections, so a body may restore the higher energy levels, and burn-off the extra calories. 

Why HGH?
HGH is often called- Fountain of youth, for, its ability to reverse the aging signs and help people to appear youthful for long. HGH is produced by the pituitary gland, and the amazing hormone is responsible for regulating, and improving the overall well-being of individuals. Well, the HGH benefit list is not exhaustive here; it also works in stimulating collagen growth, making the skin newer, young and healthy. In a month of administration of the therapy, you will begin to experience improved sleep pattern, improved lean body mass, glowing skin, and most importantly, a desired body shape. Gradually, as you take the exercise regimen, coupled with HGH, you will notice less wrinkles, improved quality of hair and nail, better cholesterol levels and more. Once you gain the confidence that HGH works, just exactly the way you expect, there is no other substance that stops you lead a healthy life. Visit Human Growth Hormone Clinic Los Angeles for authentic human growth hormone supplements.

To know about HGH in depth please visit

Monday, 14 April 2014

Now Kill Depression with Botox

It may raise a few eyebrows, but a new study propounds that Botox, the muscle numbing wrinkle tonic, may also be a powerful stress buster.

More than 52% of patients were given Botox injections that reported significant and visible improvements in mood, as compared to 15% of patients injected with salt water. The study was originally coined by Dr. Charles Darwin and William James that says that facial expressions feed information back to the brain and affect how people feel emotionally. Darwin believed the acutely depressed suffers from hyperactive corrugator muscles. He called them the ‘’grief muscles.’’ He explained further that frowning requires contraction of the corrugator muscles. The medical researchers thought, why not paralyze these muscles with Botox? By making it harder for people to frown could significantly reduce distress signals to the brain.

Depression is a mental illness that can be costly and take a toll on sufferers. An estimated 1 in 10 U.S. adults report depression at different levels. Depression can badly affect the course and outcome of common chronic conditions such as arthritis, asthma, cancer, diabetes, and obesity. Cases like increased work absenteeism, short-term disability, and decreased productivity at work, all attributes to Depression. Antidepressants are less effective and only invite the side effects such as decreased libido, insomnia that can be deal breakers. Botox, originally known as Botulinum toxin that causes botulism, works by ceasing the release of a substance called acetylcholine that sends signals from the brain indicating the muscles to contract. Besides, Botulinum toxin can be combined with other cosmetic skin procedures to do away with facial imperfections and bringing out the rejuvenated face. Botox is used worldwide to prevent wrinkles, reversing aging signs, correcting eyebrows and other facial woes. One can visit the Botox clinic Hollywood for prescribed injections.  

It is more than 25 years since Botox burst onto the scene as a convenient way of combating wrinkles and aging. Due to its excellent anti-aging properties, growing number of men are also signing-up for the treatment. Besides, Vampire facelift is another cosmetic procedure sweeping Hollywood.