Regenerative Therapies: Now Kill Depression with Botox

Monday, 14 April 2014

Now Kill Depression with Botox

It may raise a few eyebrows, but a new study propounds that Botox, the muscle numbing wrinkle tonic, may also be a powerful stress buster.

More than 52% of patients were given Botox injections that reported significant and visible improvements in mood, as compared to 15% of patients injected with salt water. The study was originally coined by Dr. Charles Darwin and William James that says that facial expressions feed information back to the brain and affect how people feel emotionally. Darwin believed the acutely depressed suffers from hyperactive corrugator muscles. He called them the ‘’grief muscles.’’ He explained further that frowning requires contraction of the corrugator muscles. The medical researchers thought, why not paralyze these muscles with Botox? By making it harder for people to frown could significantly reduce distress signals to the brain.

Depression is a mental illness that can be costly and take a toll on sufferers. An estimated 1 in 10 U.S. adults report depression at different levels. Depression can badly affect the course and outcome of common chronic conditions such as arthritis, asthma, cancer, diabetes, and obesity. Cases like increased work absenteeism, short-term disability, and decreased productivity at work, all attributes to Depression. Antidepressants are less effective and only invite the side effects such as decreased libido, insomnia that can be deal breakers. Botox, originally known as Botulinum toxin that causes botulism, works by ceasing the release of a substance called acetylcholine that sends signals from the brain indicating the muscles to contract. Besides, Botulinum toxin can be combined with other cosmetic skin procedures to do away with facial imperfections and bringing out the rejuvenated face. Botox is used worldwide to prevent wrinkles, reversing aging signs, correcting eyebrows and other facial woes. One can visit the Botox clinic Hollywood for prescribed injections.  

It is more than 25 years since Botox burst onto the scene as a convenient way of combating wrinkles and aging. Due to its excellent anti-aging properties, growing number of men are also signing-up for the treatment. Besides, Vampire facelift is another cosmetic procedure sweeping Hollywood.

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