Regenerative Therapies: Is stem cell Therapy really helpful for arthritis?

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Is stem cell Therapy really helpful for arthritis?

Introducing the findings

Studies have shown that injecting an individual’s own stem cells into the affected portion i.e. joints helps their body produce anti-inflammatory agents which play a major role in solving the issue. In most of the cases commonly seen a person who suffers from any injury related to knee cartilage, ligaments or chronic pain in knee because of arthritis stem cell has acted as miracle. If you choose the general way of dealing with the issue you have to go ahead with arthroscopic knee surgery positively. As it’s known to all such surgeries take their toll on the human body and demands months for getting the body in normal condition. Stem cell therapy for arthritis is a process which is totally non-surgical and takes only a day to perform, no effect on mobility has to be witnessed by the patient and from the end of first week itself results are visible. Thus, it’s proven that stem cell based therapy saves time, money and keeps one away from pain.

Explaining the innovation

 The therapy can work in two different ways, primarily the stem cells can stop degenerative process and secondly they can help injured cartilages get regenerated. This whole approach focuses on human body’s own power to heal itself. Fluoroscopy is the method through which doctors injects the stem cells into the targeted area flawlessly. The whole episode does not take a whole day even and after one week the visible effects are recorded in most of the cases. People who are suffering from osteoarthritis, knee pain and AVN are the ones who mostly go ahead with this therapy. Just make sure that you consult with a certified name in the process, as internet has got filled with so-called doctors off late. A certified clinic must have FDA approval, keep that in mind.

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