Regenerative Therapies: Modern Method of Liposuction Leads to Effective Results and Skin Tightening

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Modern Method of Liposuction Leads to Effective Results and Skin Tightening

Popular Fat Removal Method of Liposuction
Americans who are suffering from lower self-confidence and hiding from people because of development of unwanted fat in various parts of their body can rid of the excessive fat via the liposuction method. This treatment procedure is long practiced by the US doctors to help a person get back to shape quite quickly. However, the traditional process of liposuction in Los Angeles leads to swelling and burning sensation in the fatty areas. Also, the traditional process is incapable of removal of fat deposits from certain areas of the human body. Compared to it, the laser-assisted modern liposuction method is more effective and yield highly satisfactory results. 

About the Procedure of SmartLipo
SmartLipo is the most advanced and highly recommended method for removal of excessive fat from various parts of the body including hips, thighs, arms, underarms, and so on. SmartLipo in Los Angeles involves body contouring that yields to less discomfort than the traditional method of liposuction. SmartLipo unlike the traditional procedure of liposuction does not involve using a small cannula tube to remove fat from a specific area; rather the doctors performing SmartLipo use a temperature-sensing cannula and advanced laser therapy to eliminate unwanted fat. During SmartLipo, laser rays are passed in certain quantities to liquefy the fat cells for easy removal of the same. After the fat cells are extracted, the area is heated to stimulate the cells for collagen growth resulting in improving the tone of the skin. 

This method has gained tremendous popularity because of safety issue, minimal side effects, and improved skin tightening. A patient will quickly heal and remover post SmartLipo to get back to his or her normal life.  

The SmartLipo method is also a more cost effective method compared to the traditional process of liposuction.

People who cannot remove fat through exercising and dieting can opt for the advanced method of SmartLipo. Cynosure liposuction doctor performs SmartLipo to lead to more satisfactory results in terms of faster healing and faster surgery time. SmartLipo results in improved skin tightening, less downtime, less bleeding and swelling and more effective and proven results. People unhappy with their body shape can visit SmartLipo doctor to get back to shape.

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